North Florida DiversIs your Troop or Scout interested in obtaining a Certification and Merit Badge in Scuba Diving?

North Florida Divers is here to offer your troop the experience of a lifetime. Malcolm Kneale is an approved Merit Badge Counselor for BSA and has an active 13-year son in Troop 110.

Minimum Requirements to participate in Scuba Classes:

North Florida Divers

• Participants are over the age of 10 years old on the day of the pool session.
• Participants are required to pass a swim test.
• Participants are required to pass a medical exam, if required.

Pricing Includes:

  • Lifetime Open Water Certification through NAUI
  • eLearning code for eLearning course and exam
  • 1 hour classroom presentation
  • 4-hour pool session
  • 4 single tank dives
  • Digital Certification Card
  • Digital Logbook
  • Rental Gear: Regulator, BC, mask, fins, wetsuit, booties
  • Merit Badge sign off for Scuba Diving (does not include Merit Badge sign off for Swimming)

Contact Us For Class Pricing & Additional Information

North Florida Divers

North Florida Divers
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